1. Log in

  • Zaptec portal.https://portal.zaptec.com/
  • The housing company already has a user account on this portal. Ask the installer if you do not have access to the portal.

2. Select the Installations tab, and select your installation from the menu.




3. In the installation menu, select the Settings tab and then the Authentication tab.

      4. Select “OCPP-J 1.6 authentication”.

          • In the URL field, enter KotiCharge’s URL: wss://ocpp.koticharge.link:443/{deviceId} Make sure “Authorization required” is ON, then “Save”.

      5. Inform KotiCharge when the activation is complete.

          • Finally, find the charger ID  and inform KotiCharge about the charger ID via filling out the contract form on our website.
          • Please note that at this stage your charger is not yet connected to KotiCharge, it is waiting for our approval.
          • KotiCharge will notify you when the chargers are ready for use, normally within 1 hour.



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